Welcome to 21 Days of Prayer!
We have been praying for you, and believing for God to move mightily in your life during this season of intentional prayer and fasting.
These next 21 days are designed to help you be stretched physically, mentally, and most importantly, spiritually. Below you will find resources to help you along the way!
Join mid-week prayer every week day morning at 6 AM in the auditorium.
WEEK 1 - SOUL - Selective Fast – may choose to eliminate red meat, alcohol, processed or fast food, or sweets. Also may include social media and television.
WEEK 2 - MIND - Media Fast – no news networks, social media, streaming, television, secular music. Total unplug.
WEEK 3 - BODY - Partial Fast - This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.
Complete Fast - In this type of fast, you drink only liquids, typically water with light juices as an option.
We have put together a 21 day journal for your to enhance your time with the Lord. Over the next 21 days, we are focusing on going ALL IN for the Lord. Each week, we are focusing on an area from Matthew 22.
Each day you will be provided a Scripture. We are going to use the S.O.A.P method to study together. Begin by reading the Scripture, then take time to observe what that Scripture is saying. Once you have made your observations, you will look at how this particular Scripture applies to your life right now. You will then end your time of study in prayer with the Lord. Use this journal to plan and track your 21 days!
You can pick up a hard copy of this journal during our morning prayer sessions at 6 AM, or in the office during normal business hours.